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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: wifi
- Hits: 6162
I subscribed Unifi in April 2018. In my house, it is more than 10 devices connected to my router including IoT devices.
One day, my sister told me that her smart phone and notebook not connected to internet. From her information, we might assume Unifi service is bad. However, HyppTV and other devices has connection to internet via wifi since it located near the router. My sister accessed internet from her room up stair.
I did some troubleshoot. I brought her device and notebook near the router also did not solve the problem. What I found, wifi connection was there but it unable to get IP address from router. It got IP address 169.*.*.*. This is not good.
I restarted all Unifi equipment didn't help either.
Read more: Unifi got no connection. Bad TP-LINK Router Archer C1200 from TM.
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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: operatingsystem
- Hits: 2355
I have been wasting 3 week (until today) to figure out what wrong was with my image development. With the same Windows base i used since early this year, I kept updating it until I stuck whenever I launch DELL Image Assist to develop image.
Today, I found that the minimum requirement might not only rely on RAM and storage space. Also, the number of CPU core.
Read more: Optimum requirement for DELL Image Assist in Virtualbox
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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: wifi
- Hits: 3659
Since April, I moved into new house. Actually, I really hate in term of its environment and pressure I am facing right now. I am trying my best to cheer my life back. One of many things I planned to do in this new home was subscribing internet service.
And the speed is 30Mbs which is too much for me. The lowest speed is 10Mbs but without IPTV. After I got the service online, it is good for me offer internet service in the neighbourhood. Atleast I can cover the cost each month.
However, people near by are rich enough to have their own internet subscription from local provider. Thats might give people not to subscribe with me. At least I have the knowledge to build my own system in offering internet service. It is good for me.
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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: Raspberry Pi
- Hits: 4180
Last Tuesday, I attended my son's first day in school. Suddenly, caught into my eyes, a display monitor hang on the wall of the school building. It was displaying Linux console start display with Raspberry Pi logos. Wow, at first, I thought the school use some kind of advertisement equipment or media centre. But I was wrong. It is much better than that.
Read more: Raspberry Pi used as solar energy information system in Malaysia's school.