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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: tips
- Hits: 4843
Sungguh susah untuk mendapat talian internet di rumah dengan line telefon yang hanya boleh guna prepaid. Ada satu masalah TMHome Prepaid (dan Ring Ring Card) adalah sebelum mendail, kita perlu dail nombor laluan perkhidmatan dahulu. Sila rujukan dengan laman telekom.
Read more: TMNet Prepaid + TMHome Prepaid (Ring Ring Card) + Smoothwall
Using powerpoint for presentation at secondary desktop or projector without viewing primary desktop.
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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: tips
- Hits: 4049
Using powerpoint for presentation at secondary desktop or projector without viewing primary desktop.
- 2 display ports or notebook with extended VGA port.
- Windows 2000, XP and above.
- Microsoft Office 2003 and above.
Steps: Extend primary desktop to secondary desktop.
- Right click at desktop and choose “screen resolution”.
- At “multiple displays”, choose “extend these displays”. Then, apply all settings.
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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: tips
- Hits: 3362
Application (especially Microsoft Office) hang and not responding while opening file.
There are many causes that give this kind of problem. But for this tip, it caused by indexing problem.
Troubleshooting and find out: Type “Indexing options” at run and found this application also hang and not responding. Windows Search sometimes not available.
Solution: Reinstall Windows Search and Indexing service.
Read more: Application (especially Microsoft Office) hang and not responding while opening a file.
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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: tips
- Hits: 5675
Adakah anda tahu, jika mengepos status di Facebook (atau laman sosial lain) mempunyai impak sebaran atau jumlah pembaca mengikut masa tertentu?
Ok. Ini yang aku dapat tahu dan apa yang pernah aku cuba.
Read more: Waktu sesuai post status dalam laman sosial (terutama Facebook)
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- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: tips
- Hits: 3622
Mungkin ada di antara kita ada masalah untuk archive kalender di Outlook 2010 dan 2013. Tetapi tidak pada Outlook sebelum 2010. Ada beberapa sebab tetapi yang nyatanya ada 2 sebab. 1) Outlook tidak akan archive task yang belum ditutup. 2) Task dan event hanya akan diarchive mengikut masa terakhir task/event diubahsuai.
Tetapi jika ini memberi masalah untuk archive, kita boleh ubah dengan archive task/event mengikut masa task/event tersebut.
Read more: Outlook 2010 dan 2013 tidak boleh archive kalender