There are a few update for
previous KLampu. To reduce the capacity of CD iso,
we need to remove few unwanted packages. These are the packages that I think
should be removed.
1) nmap
2) libnessus2
3) nessus
4) nessus-plugins
5) nessusd
6) startnessus-knoppix
7) clamav
8) clamav-freshclam
9) clamav-base
10) frozen-bubble
Please use #apt-get remove to remove them.
That is what I think for this
Next, maybe you need some additional program language such as python and
PHP-CLI. Please use #apt-get install
to install them. If not, you need to update the list
of packages before install.
1) php5-cli
2) perl
3) python
Whenever you try to set rc level
in chroot using rcconf, you will notice the rc level link not available after
remastering. This is because the link is removed during the process of
remastering. So, what you have to do is to edit Knoppix.postgrade file in the
script before you start remaster.
You edit the file and go to line
5. You will see a line something like this.
for i in ‘ls –d1 /etc/rc?.d/* | egrep –v –e ‘(README|knoppix|…………..
Please add daemon in between |…..|
This way will solve the issue.
Operating System
KLampU 0.1 – Knoppix LAMP Unit. (RIY* version) - update
- Details
- Written by: Mr Garage
- Category: operatingsystem
- Hits: 3130