Category: Raspberry Pi
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Making torrent box by using Raspberry Pi is not complicated. I think most of us making torrent box by using x86 processor. So, at the first thought, maybe I got a few problems whenever i use ARM-Raspberry Pi. But, it is still piece of cake and a few issues came out happened like x86 processor.

So in this article, I just want to help you to make torrent box without any problem and fast. I use Torrentflux-b4rt because it has WGET. I love wget whenever I want to download files and forget. Try download it from . For the OS, i use Raspbian Whezzy.



As I wrote just now, installing Torrentflux-b4rt is not complicated. So, after you untar the file and start read the manual, INSTALL. Follow the manual on how to do preparation and installation.

But the very important I want to highlight is that, there are some problem you need to do while installing it.

1. Before you import sql (mysql) script to the database, you need to edit the script by changing all "TYPE=ISAM" to "ENGINE=ISAM". I think it needed by the latest MySQL as it already updated in my system.

2. Whenever you install the latest transmission, it will not install transmissioncli. Instead, the OS will install transmission-cli in /usr/bin. The latest program is usable but you need to change the setting in torrentflux-b4rt or create a link, ln -s. From /usr/local/bin/transmissioncli to /usr/bin/transmission-cli .

3. No cksfv package for Raspberry Pi. You need to compile it.

Download and compile cksfv that is required by torrentflux-b4rt.


#tar -xjvf cksfv-1.3.14.tar.bz2 cd cksfv-1.3.14



#sudo make install


You can do all steps above while or after installing the torrent box.

Give it a try. It is good you can have a small, reliable, cheap, less heat, low power and less dusk trapped in the torrent box.

My next try will be adding a harddrive. External harddrive connected via USB. Check whether the OS can use LVM, so I can increase drive space. Also, I want to check whether the system can use network drive. Also, to have a big space for torrent file.