Category: phpnuke
Hits: 2136
From the previous News that we wrote before this in malaysian language, we like for those who come to this site and also have a mobile phone that has GPRS/WAP capabilities, try to surf our site's forum using GPRS.

The address is .

Actually, we got this script from Jan Soft but not very useful because of some useless/error script. Tried to contact them, but no respond till now.

Therefore, we really appreciate if you can give us a comment on that. We know that the script is not perfect at all but any comment could give us a spirit to rewrite it back.

Meanwhile, we are still in development to rewrite PhpNuke for WAP. So, we like to know anybody who interested in this project.

Any comment and others needed to be send to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.